Aiming to improve life for people with heart failure


2 minute read

Heart failure is one of today’s most common diseases. The difficulties for people living with this illness can, depending on severity, be many and vary in degree of seriousness. At Health Works we are now running a project, starting off by gaining an understanding of the current experience and challenges living with the disease, including the perspectives of people with heart failure, healthcare providers and area experts. We will then move on to exploring possible solutions aiming to improve quality of life or reduce hospitalisation.

Heart failure may cause significant risks to your health, and for millions of people living with this illness is both physically and emotionally challenging. In the developed world, one in ten of the population above the age of 70 are estimated to live with this disease. [1] In Sweden, where Health Works is currently running this project, care for people with this condition represents nearly 2% of the total healthcare costs. [2]

At the same time we know that health and quality of life can be improved through earlier diagnosis and effective treatments, changes to lifestyle and increased participation in your own care. With increased awareness, new approaches as well as smart applications of technology the possibilities are many.

At Health Works we are now planning to run a collaborative project, with the ambition to improve life and health for people living with heart failure, whilst at the same time reducing hospitalisations and associated costs for society. The focus area is identified together with people with heart failure and their relatives, healthcare professionals, representatives from patient organisations, a cross-functional team from AstraZeneca, researchers and medtech experts.

After having identified some of the most pressing challenges together, the diverse project team moves on to exploring different possible solution. People living with heart failure are central throughout our project process to make sure we are solving these challenges in the best possible way.

The end goal is to develop and drive implementation of new solutions that can benefit many. Please stay tuned as we’ll be sharing more of what we’re learning and doing!

[1] European Society of Cardiology. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure.

[2] Rydén-Bergsten T, Andersson F .The health care costs of heart failure in Sweden. J Intern Med. 1999;246:275–84.